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AF FOIA Library

Electronic FOIA Library

Electronic FOIA Library documents are those that have been the subject of previous FOIA requests and appear to be of broad public interest, and include proactive disclosures. The AF Electronic Library site is the single site for all AF Electronic Library records. The 1996 amendments to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) mandate publicly accessible "electronic reading rooms" with agency FOIA response materials and other information routinely available to the public.  When searching for documents, add an * after part of the document name, then select a specific document type or select all document types for a broader search. 

Search for Documents in Reading Room
Reading Room File CabinetDescription
Accident Reports 
Air Force Emblems 
Annual Reports 
Asbestos & Lead Base Paint 
Audit Reports 
Climate Assessment Reports 
Base Maps/Recreational Areas 
Collective Bargaining Agreements 
Current Events 
Directories and Org Charts 
Economic Impact Analysis 
Environmental Impact Analysis 
Environmental Reports 
Flight Operations 
FOIA Guidance & Training 
FOIA Logs 
GPC Cardholders List 
Ground Water Reports 
Heraldry, Lineage, Honors 
History ReportsContains documents 25 years or older
Inspector General's Reports 
Mechanical Reports 
Mission Reports 
Policy & Guidance 
Procurement History 
Radar Data 
Security Forces Investigation Report 
Slickspot Peppergrass 
Telephone Directory/BooksBase Telephone directory or telephone books
Training Materials and Briefings 
Weather Reports 

Information stored on this system is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and will be protected in accordance with DoD Regulation 5400.7, Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act of 1974 to include DoD Regulation 5400.11 and AFI 33-332. Federal Register :: Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records

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